The Briggs Genealogy from "The Tasmanian Aborigines and their descendants (Chronology, Genealogy and Social Data) Part 2:
By Bill Mollison and Coral Everitt. December 1978.
Edited by Phil Hackett.
The following family tree follows the Tasmanian Aboriginal line of descent only, although clues may be given to other lines where these are known., and a very few families link in to other genealogies (white or aboriginal).
There are, to date, only two main lines of descent traced:
(1) That from Dalrymple Mountgarret Briggs - "Dolly Dalrymple", the first living descendant born of aboriginal/white ancestry in Tasmania. She married the convict, later prominent citizen Thomas Johnson, and the family prospered from his hard work and good business sense. The descendants., always very fair in complexion, married white people for the most part, and have continued to prosper... This line married white (W), unless otherwise stated, and stayed in Tasmania, based in the Latrobe/Sheffield area.
(2) That from John Briggs, who married an aboriginal woman, whose true identity is not known but descendants claim she was Truganini's daughter. This family, (or those that have been traced) moved to Victoria in the 1850's and the descendants continued to marry people of aboriginal descent, unless otherwise noted. They have suffered the usual displacement, discrimination, and hardships common to aboriginal descendants* everywhere in Australia, and marry of them work in aboriginal affairs. Many, too, live on aboriginal stations (settlements, missions) today, at Framlingham (Vic), Cummeragunja (NSW), and were on now-defunct stations such as Coranderrk, Maloga, Mornahcullah, Lake Condah and Ebenezer.
It will be clearly seen that I have only partial data for many families, although more than three years work is contained here. I would greatly appreciate more accurate birth and death data, causes of death, full names, correct names and addresses, children and grandchildren to the present day, of people not mentioned here, or those with incorrect or partial addresses.
These will be included and corrected in future editions. The genealogy is
only available to genuine descendants, and is copyright in whole or part.
Enquiries to:- Bill Mollison, University of Tasmania, Hobart, 7005.
Abbreviations used:-
m = married or had children by
f = father
dr = daughter
sr = sister
d = deceased, died
p = living at this time (present)
b = born
ca = approximately (usually for dates)
ex = came from (place)
N.Y.M. = Not yet married
Rem = Remarried
Div = Divorced
Sep = Separated
W =White descent
C = Cootie (aboriginal descent)
G = Gubbar (white)
T.S.A. = Tasmanian State Archives
C.B.I. = Cape Barren Island, Tan.
K.I. = Kangaroo Island, South Australia.
L'ton = Launceston, Tasmania.
D'port = Devonport, Tasmania.
Q'town = Queenstown, Tasmania.
Cum. = Cummeragunja, N.S.W. Aboriginal settlement.
Rams. = Ramahyuck, Vic. Aboriginal settlement.
Qrland = Queensland, Aunt.
Cor. = Coranderrk, Vic. Aboriginal settlement.
BRIGGS, George. A sealer, and seaman on Griffiths' schooner (1831). Living in Launceston, June 1831. Forcibly removed Woretermoeteyenner from her country Three children by her. Briggs later sold her to John Thomas. This man probably is the George Briggs who came out free in the Harrington in 1806. In 1823 and 1824 Briggs made several voyages on the Nereus trading between Port Jackson and Port Dalrymple. In June 1823 he was described as 32 years old (b.1791),, 51911 high, hazel eyes., light red hair, fair ruddy complexion and freckles.
He came from Dunstable in Bedfordshire. (Plomley) 1966, 1971).
Briggs accompanied Captain James Kelly on his circumnavigation of 1815-1816:- (See also Note 34).
"Briggs had been employed as a sealer on the -islands in Bass Strait for many years previously and had acquired the native language of the Northeast coast of Van Diemens' Land fluently in consequence of often having gone ever from the islands to Cape Portland to barter with the natives for kangaroo skins Also to purchase the young grown-up native females to keep them as 'their wives and for hunting kangaroos and catching seals; both for their skins, they were wonderfully dexterous. The custom of the sealers in the Straits was that every man should have from two to five of
these native women for their own use and benefit, to select any of them proper to cohabit with as their wives.
In fact a large number of children had been produced between these people - the white man and the black woman - and a fine active race of people they were both for hunting kangaroos and catching seals; the men very good boat men, the women good assistants to them. They were of a light copper colour and generally very good-looking." (From James Kelly*s diary, 14th January 1816 in'Pap. Proc. Roy
Parent Generation (F0)
George Briggs
1791 - ?
Sealer, Sailor
(see Note 1.)
m. a) Wore-ter-moe - te-yen-ner
Alias Pung-a, Pung,
Bung, Bong, Margaret.
1797-13 OCT 18~7
Later to John Thomas.
(see Notes 2,3,2-)
b) Mee-tone-yer-nan-er
Alias Dumpe
Later to Tucker
No known issue to Briggs.
First Filial Generation (F1)
.1 Child. Thrown into fire by aborigines, rescued by mother, but later died.
.2 Dalrymple Mountgarret "Dolly" 1810/1812-1 SEPT 1864
.3 Eliza ca 1817-11 JULY 1837
.4 Mary/Margaret ca 1818-31 JULY 1839
.5 John ca 1820-ca 1879
.6 Son(?) see note 27
Second Filial Generation (F2)
1.1 Died as child. No issue.
1.2 Dalrymple Mountgarret Briggs
(see Notes 5-22)
m. a) Thomas Baker
Living at Westbury
b) Thomas Thompson
c) Thomas Johnson
1805-3 DEC 1867
(see Notes 6-22)
to a)
.1 Jane (adopted Johnson's name) 31 MAY 1826-
(see Note 23)
to b)
.2 Sarah (1 st) 23 August 1828 12 Jan 1837
(adopted Johnson's name) Dairy Plains, Tas
(see Note 24)
to c)
.3 William ( 1 st ) 9 July 1833 6 Nov 1848
b. Dairy Plains. Drowned Mersey River
.4 Thomas
1 June 1834
b. Perth Tas
Baptised 24 DEC 1839 Longford C of E.
.5 Caroline
8 DEC 1836-
Perth (Tas.)
Baptised 24 DEC 1839 Longford C of E.
.6 John George "Jack"
"One armed Jack" 30 Jan 1839
Bapt 22 Dec 1840 Longford C of E
.7 Lewis James 29 June 1841 Perth, Tas
.8 Mary Ann 16 May 1843
1.2 (Continued)
.9 Charlotte 5 March 1845
.10 Alfred William "Dick" 27 July 1847 Dunorlan
.11 William (2nd) 5 May 1849 Frogmore
.12 Sarah (2nd) 3 June 1851 ca. 1891
Frogmore, Latrobe.13 Walter 30 June 1854 1 Sept 1855
Ballahoo Ballahoo
(Complete family from data in possession of Laurie Johnson)
1.3 Eliza Briggs. Died aged 20. (see Notes 25 and 26) No data on issue.
1.4 Mary/Margaret Briggs. Died aged 22. (see Notes 25 and 26)
1.5 John Briggs m. Louisa Esme Strugnell (?) "Granny Briggs" (d 1926)
Married in Tasmania 1844
See note 28
.1 George b. 1844
.2 Lydia b. ca. 1854.3 John b. ca. 1857. B. Mt Cole (Vic).4 William "Bill" b. ca. 1861
.5 Maggie b. ca. 1864
.6 Polly Mary b. 1867 19 Aug 1939
1.5 (Continued)
.7 Caroline "Carrie" b. ca. 1869
.8 Eliza "Nanny", "Lizzie"
.9 Harry (?)
.10 Anne (?)
.11 Dianne Barwick (197h) describes Louisa as "Mrs Louisa Strugnell Briggs
(ca 1830-1926) who had lived independently with her part-Tasmanian
husband and eleven children, before settling at Coranderrk in 1872."
Brough-Smyth (1878): "John Briggs has had ten children, of whom eight are
now living - three boys and five girls".
John and Louisa were married in Tasmania in 1844. They moved to Victoria
in the 1850's living at Mt. Cole. They settled at Coranderrk in 1872.
After John's death Louisa and her children (excepting George and Eliza)
moved to Maloga (later Ctummeragunja) N.S.W. about 1884.
(see Notes 28-33).
Third Filial Generation (F3 ) BR-1.2
.1 Jane Johnson m. John Hearps ex. England
(Actually, Jane Baker) 29 Sept 1812-28 July 1884 Latrobe area
1.1 Sarah 23 Aug 1843
1.2 Joseph ( 1 st ) 14 Feb 1845 29 Mar 1845 d. in infancy1.3 Thomas William 17 May 1846 Aug 1928 Ulverstone "aged 84 (?)"
1.4 Charlotte 23 Oct 1849 14 May 1887 (or Jan 1891 ?)
1.5 Caroline 3 Oct 1850
1.6 Susannah 4 Dec 1851 4 April 1852
1.7 John Lewis 29 Dec 1854 30 May 1872. Kicked by a horse
1.8 Charles Henry 25 May 1858 7 May 1946 Devonport
1.9 Joseph (2nd) 5 Aug 1860 30 April 1967 Devonport 1.10 Mary Ann 18 July 1862 11 Sep 18881.11 Alfred 27 July 18641.12 William Walter 31 Oct 1866 29 April 1884
1.13 George Henry 24 June 1868
1.14 Emma Jane 11 Feb 1869
(see Notes 34,35,36)
Sarah Johnson (1 st) d. aged 9 years at Perth
(Actually Thompson )
.3 William Johnson (1 st ) drowned in the Mersey River aged 15? or
27 years
Thomas Johnson m Elizabeth Atkinson 31 MAY 1857. Sister of George Atkinson, auctioneer of Sheffield
.1 Amy
.2 George
.3 Lena
.4 Thomas
.5 Mary Ann "Dell"
.6 Ann Elizabeth
) Two boys died of diptheria aged 9 and 10.
(see Notes 37, 38, 339
.5 Caroline Johnson m. James J. Gwynne, Railway Surveyor
m. 26 AUG 1853
Lived at Latrobe.
Believed to have died young. Not mentioned in Thomas Johnson's will.
Caroline Creek on the Mersey, is named after her. (see Notes 40,41).
.6 John George Johnson m. Isabella Thompson 20 Oct 1857.
Lived at Latrobe.
.1 Margaret Sarah b. 1862
.2 Alice Dalrymple Mountgarret
.3 Elizabeth "Eliza"
.4 Isabella
.5 a girl
.6 a son, Jack (?) died young
(see Notes 42, 43, 44)
Lewis Johnson
m. Mary Anne Johnstone (nee Hanbrook)
m. at Sherwood, 27 APR 1870 7 OCT 1854- 1921
.1 Sarah Ann Dalrymple "Della", 1866 ( ? ) died aged 85..2 Edith
.3 Bertha.4 Mary Louisa 7 JAN 1877 at Port Sorell
.5 Lewis Christopher 25 DEC 1877-1963
.6 Harold Clifford 21 AUG 1882-26 FEB 1964
.7 Alma Florence
.8 Alfred William d. 1918.9 Clifton Edgar "The Lad" 4 Aug 1889.10 Doris.11 Charles Arthur.12 Ada Daphne 25 Dec 1894
.13 Sarah
.14 Lavinia.15
There were 15 children in all, of whom 9 were living in 193O. Data from Mrs Doris Riley See note 45
.8 Mary Ann Johnson "Polly"
m. a) unknown
b) Samuel Wigmore
c) George Moore
to a) .1 Eliza Dalrymple (took name Johnson)
to b) .2 Liza
.3 Percy
to c) .4 George (lived in Beaconsfield)
See notes 46, 47
.9 Charlotte Johnson m. James Henry Gower I
b. 1840 d. 31 DEC 1926
ex Kent, England.
.1 James Henry II
.2 William
.3 Alma Lily "Ame"
.4 Dalrymple Frances
.5 Louise
.6 Walter
.7 Robert
.8 Eva Charlotte
.9 Minnie(?) (A Minnie Gower m. a Townsend or a Billings)
(Photos held by Mrs. Vivian Gower. see Notes 48, 49
.10 Alfred William Johnson "Dick" m. Amelia WelIs
d. at Latrobe
.1 Richard "Dick"
.2 Jack "Peeler"
.3 Mervyn
(and some girls, to be traced)
(see Note 50)
.11 William Johnson ( 2nd ) m. Frances "Fanny" Ellmore
The Ellmores were from '"Woolnorth"
(V.D.L.Co. N/W Coast)
.1 George Eardley William 1875 19 April 1944
.2 Phillip Hilton Ellmore
.3 Ada (adopted, not followed here. See note 51
.12 Sarah Johnson (2nd) m. Samnel Wright. Lived Latrobe
.1 William
.2 daughter
.3 daughter
.4 daughter
.13 Walter Johnson Died aged 1 year
.1 George Briggs Live at Ballarat.
(see Note 52)
.2 Lydda Briggs. Living at Maloga l886 No data on marriage or issue.
.3 John Briggs Married twice
to a)
.1 George b. ca. 1878 (?)
to b)
.2 Harry
.3 Maggie b. ca. 1880 (?)
(see Notes 53,54)
.4 William Briggs m. Margaret "Maggie" Taylor
ex Wamba-Wamba tribe
.1 Lillian d. 1973
.2 James "Jimmy"
.3 Nellie
.4 Sylvia "Syl"
.5 Dolly
.6 Eric
.7 Louisa "lou" .8 Carrie .9 Maurice .10 Margaret (May?)5 Maggie Briggs m. Leonard Kerr b. ca 1858 (His second marriage?) .1 Wilhemenia "Mena" b ca. 1882
2. Constance "Connie" b 13 Nov 1885
3. Etta
4. Rita
5. Noreen
6. Len
7. Archie
(Possibly more. Data from Mary Clarke. Family not yet traced)6. Polly Mary Briggs m. Ted Henry Edwards at Echuca 29 May 1888
Lived at Cummerangunja. Ted b. ca. 1860 d 26 Aug 1949 Deniliquin.
.1 Ted
.2 Mary Maude
.3 Lillian
.4 Janet
.5 Evelyn "Dolly"
.6 Tommy (died young)
.7 Craig (died aged 25)
.7 Caroline Briggs m. Andrew Holton (blind)
.1 Gordon
.2 Beatrice "Beatty"
3. Constnce "Connie"
.8 Eliza Briggs m. a) John Charles b. Bacchus Marsh 1849. D. Corranderk 5 Oct 1884 Married Eliza 29 Jan 1875
m. b) Alick/Alee Campbell b. Loddon (his second marriage)
to a)
1. William "Billy"
2. Sarah
3. Henry
4. Johnny
5.George b. 8 May 1884
to b)
.6 Jemima b. 16 SEP 1887 d. 22 JAN 1889
.7 Margaret "Maggie" b. 10 JUNE 1889-
8. Louisa "Louie" b. 10 JUNE 1889-
9. Helen/Ellen
(Adopted Alec McRae at Coranderrk. He took name Briggs)
Fourth Filial Generation (F4)
1. Sarah Hearps. Possibly died as infant. No data.
2. Joseph Hearps (1 st). d. as infant. No issue.
3. Thomas William Hearps m. Eliza Morgan ex Ireland b. 1850-
(Elizas brother Johnny found the Welcome Stranger (?) nugget in Queensland - J.H.)
1. Mary d. aged 1 year
2. Mary Christina 1 March 1868 6 Feb 1945
5. Selina Caroline
6. John Edward "Jack"
7. Thomas William
8. Cyril Charles
9. Linden Lewis
10. Marian "May"
11. Ellen Louise "Nellie"
12. Richard Norton "Tony" or "Dick"
13. Lucy Letitia 24 Sept 1888 1974
14. Bessie Amanda
15. Phillip James
16. Clement Ambrose
(see note 55)
4. Charlotte Hearps m. Henry Thomas Elmer Lived at Latrobe
1."Ragan" (William?) d. Service in WW1. Lived at Zeehan
2. Alice Jane 24 Jan 1875 ? 1944 (aged 69)
8. Mary d. 1890
(8 in family, 5 boys and 3 girls. All born at Latrobe (C of E) One may have died young (information from Mrs Strutt)
.5 Caroline Hearps. No trace. Possibly d. as child.
.6 Susannah Hearps. d. as infant. No issue.
.7 John Lewis Hearps. d. aged 18 years as result of being kicked by a horse. No issue.
.8 Charles Henry Hearps m. Hannah Holloway ex Huon area. Lived
at Latrobe, Devonport. Hannah descended
from Dr. Brown after whom Brown's River
.1 Edith Mary
.2 Beatrice
.3 Olive Lily
.4 Ruby Caroline
.5 Charles Died from effects of mustard gas (WW1)
.6 Violet Leonore 4 April 1899
.9 Joseph Hearps (2nd). Never married No issue. Lived all his life, after 1927 with Charles Hearps. J.H.
Came back from travels in N.Z. - A.T.B.
.10 Mary Ann Hearps. d. aged 26 years. No data.
.11 Alfred Hearps m. EVa Russell ex Kindred.
(Sep. - EVa took children to Sydney).
.1 Daphne No data, but known to have married.
2. Jean Lives in Sydney.
3. John Killed 1949, was Lieut. in army.
(An "A. Hearps" had a brother in a butcher's shop in Latrobe, early 1880 's - Ramsay).
.12 William Walter Hearps. d. aged 18 years.
.13 George Henry Hearps m. Margaret "Maggie." O'Keefe
Lived at Latrobe - separated.
1. Maggie d of epilepsy
2. Winnie Lives in Melbourne (1972) )
4. Grace Lives in Melbourne (1972)
.14 Emma Jane Hearps m. William Lee
Lived Sunnyside - Myalla - Flowerdale.
.I Mary Jane "May" 1 Sept 1891 Sept 1972
.2 James Edward "Jim" 10 Aug 1893
.3 Florence May "Topsy" 3 Jan 1896 May 1943 (T.B.)
.4 Rhoda Caroline Grace 25 Feb 1897
.5 William Walter Charles "Bill" 29 Nov 1899
14. (Continued)
.6 Alice "Mac" 25 NOV 1903-18 SEP 1937
.7 Lawrence Leslie "Lewis" 19 APR 1907-
.8 Thomas John 7 NOV 1910-
.1 Amy Johnson m. Edward "Ted" Rees
Were at D'port. Sheffield
.1 George Ernest d. 13 Aug 1974 at his home in Wynyard
.2 Edward
.3 Isla May "Dot"
.4 David = "Joe"
.5 "Doll~" = Helen
.6 Amy ("Dick")
.7 Tim? (Rabbity?) ( See Note 56 ).2 George Johnson. No data. Went to South Australia (Port Pirie?) as an engineer.
.3 Lena Johnson m A)
m b) Steve Fisk
to a)
.1 Frank Johnson
to b) No data
Thomas JohnsonLived at Round Hill. Had a family of boys. Wife died of accident
.5 Mary Ann "Dell" Johnson m. Bill Walker
Lived at Beulah.
.1 Amy
.2 Ruby
.3 Frank
.4 Bill
(Could be more. Large family. Some died of T.B. One went to Vic. but died)
.6 Anne Elizabeth Johnson m. George Thomas Sellers, blacksmith, Married at Sheffield. Lived at Scottsdale.
.1 Elsie Maud "Dot"
.2 Vera "Jinny"
.3 George Ira "Jop"
.4 Sydney Allan "Ginger"
.5 Vernon Alfred "Bandy"
.6 Earl Horton "Nigger"
.7 Harold Thomas "Toley"
.8 Theodore Quinton "Ike"
.9 Myrtle Anne "Bid"
.10 Eric Llewellyn "Jack"
.11 Keith Donald 19 SEP 1907- d.
.12 Joan Elizabeth Margaret "Sooky"
.13 Edna Dulcie "Ginger Meggs"
(Sellers family came out from Glarrie Horn, Scotland. Settled at Westbury. Some descendants spell the name Sellars).
.1 Margaret Sarah Johnson m. Malcolm Campbell ax Scotland Prospector .1 Claude Malcolm
.2 William "Bill"
.3 Minnie.2 Alice Dalrymple Mountgarret Johnson m. Ernest John French .1 John Ernest "Silver" 27 Jan 1909
.2 Thelma Lydia "Sue"
.3 Madge d. aged 23 years
(See Note 57).3 Elizabeth Johnson m. Edward Morse (Sherwood) .1 Charles "Paddy"
.2 May "Tot" b. ca. 1886 1972
.3 Edith
.4 Edwin John 22 May 1886 18 June 1965
.5 George
.6 Millie
.7 Ida 1897 - 1911 ( See Note 58 )
.4 Isabella Johnson m. Charles Dyson, boat builder. Lived
at Ulverstone .1 Owen Charles
.2 Vere Died WW1. No issue.
.5 ? Johnson m. Hayward (Haywood?); jewler in Burnie. Lives in Launceston
Has family to be traced.
.1 Sarah Ann Dalrymple Johnson Thomas Bates
Lived and married Deloraine to -"Dell ' a farm Main Rd., Sheffield ca early
1866(?)-ca 1955. 1900's. Died Devonport
.1 Ted Edwards Jnr. M. Eva Cooper d. at Cummeragunja
.1 Ted .2 Howard
.3 Dorrie
.4 girl
.5 girl.2 Mary Maude Edwards m. Francis Norman Clarke (bro. George) ex Framlingham, Mortlake Tribe.
C/- P.O. Pirnum 1 Mar 1883 5 Nov 1961, Framlingham
.1 Alice Maude 1909
.2 Norman "Piebald"
.3 Amy 24 July 1919
.4 Hetty 5 May 1915
.5 Gladys
.6 Helen
.7 Frank "Bulldags"
.8 Henry "Banjo" "Hawk" 27 Oct 1924
.9 Bert "Gunboat"
.3 Lillian Edwards. No data..4 Janet Edwards m. Bert Button ex QueenslandLived at Framlingham, Cummeragunja, Wellington. d. at Wellington.Valda
.2 Violet
.3 Bert "Bertie Boy"
.4 Amy .5 Doroth (m. Buck")
.6 Myra d. CummeraEun]a
( died aged ca 89 ) ca 85 years.
.1 Llewellyn
.2 Raymond
.3 Hector 15 April 1895 -
.4 Aubrey b. ca. 1893
.2 Edith Johnson m. Henry "Harry" Butt (died in Melbourne) .1 Harold II
.2 Lavinia or Lavender (?)
.3 Douglas Claude b 1896-7 d. aged 3 years
.3 Bertha Johnson m. a)
m. b) Frederick Templar Lived at Penguin to a) .1 Eric Johnson "Dick" to b) .2 Alice Louise .3 Kathleen May 24 Dec 1900
.4 Lonsdale. Died as a child in a house fire
.5 Frederick
.6 Ella
.7 Lillian 21 May 1908
.8 Doris
.9 Vera 15 April 1910
.4 Mary Louisa Johnson.
Never Married. No issue. (Epileptic).
.5 Lewis Christopher Johnson. Never married. No issue.
.6 Harold Clifford "Bill" Johnson. Never married. No issue.
.7 Alma Florence Johnson m. a) William Henry Cox
Lived Melbourne
b) Bob McCallum?
Lived Sydney
to a)
.1 Lionel
.2 Douglas
.3 Melvie
.4 Elwin
(All married, in Melbourne or Sydney).
No issue to b).
.8 Alfred William Johnson. Never married. No issue. Died of a brain tumour in Melbourne.
.9 Clifton Edgar Johnson m. Theresa ?
Lived Melbourne. Not thought to have had children.
10. Doris Johnson m. a) William James Riley
19 Goodwin St (See Note 59)
Launceston Died ca 1935 of silicosis.
m b) ? Evans. No issue
.1 Graham 1 May 1912
.2 Thomas Kenneth 29 Jan 1916
.3 Rita 4 April 1920 April 1945
.4 William Earl 11 Sept 1921
.5 Leslie Valentine 26 Sept 1923
.6 Maxwell Henry 30 Nov 1925
.7 John Gilbert 14 Oct 1930
.11 Charles Arthur Johnson. Died as child when bullock wagon bolted in fire.
.12 Ada Daphne Johnson. Never married. No issue.
.13 Sarah Johnson. No data.
.14 Lavinia Johnson m. Pearson ?
65 Hotha Street,
East St. Kilda, Melbourne.
No data on issue.
.15 No data. To be traced.
.1 Eliza Dalrymple Johnson. No data. (Mentioned specifically in Thos. Johnson's will)..2 Liza Wigmore. No data. To be traced.
.3 Percy Wigmore. No data. To be traced.
.4 George Moore. No data. To be traced. James Henry Gower II m. Sarah Ann Pugh
Lived at Latrobe Dr. of John and Ann Pugh
.1 James Henry III
.2 Frances "Fann"
.3 Donald William I D. WW2 No issue
.4 Harold John
.5 Vivian Maxwell
.6 Eric
.7 Walter II
.8 May
.9 Ida d. aged 12 years
.10 Ivy d. in infancy
.11 Corrie
(May is the only surviving child at Dec 1974)(see Note 60).2 William Gower m. a) Iris
b) a woman of Maori descent
.1 Iris
.2 Ida
.3 Cliff "Ike" Isaac?
.4 Cecil
.5 "Tummy"
.6 William II
.7(also a girl in N.Z.?) (see Note 61).3 Alma Lily Gower m. William Andrews I Lived Melb. m. 12 April 1904
.1 William II d. 9 Oct 1944
(see Note 62).
.4 Dalrymple Frances Gower m. Alexander Anderson ex Scotland
.1 Andrew Mervyn
.2 Mildred
.3 Mary
.4 Alec
.5 "Harry" Henry James 28 Jan 1895 1969
.6 Percy
.7 Vera
.8 Margaret Charlotte 28 Dec 1897
.9 Gladys Isabel
10. Eric
(Complete family. Only Gladys and Percy alive in 1974 - B.M. ).
(see Note 63).
Louise Gower m. James VincentLived Thames St., East Devonport (now rem.) .1 Leonard Arthur West Devonport, 38 Nixon qtreet.
.2 Terence
.3 Eileen Essendon, Vic
.4 Sylvie Ulverstone
.5 Olive
.6 Daisy Emma (Mrs. Wilson)
.6 Walter Gower m. ? .1 Ivy Mrs. Gaspar, Upper Hutt, Wellington, N.Z.
.2 Joan
.3 Billy
.7 Robert Gower
.1 Jack Kendall Ulverstone, butcher's shop, 6 Gollan Street.
.2 Cliff?
.8 Eva Gower m. a Dinsdale
"Dinsdale- Gower" family *
.1 Lillian Alma 1894
.2 Cliff
.3 Jack
.4 Lucille
.5 Florence Gertrude (?) (see Note 64)
* Parents had marriage annulled but couple lived together all their life, both m. very young against parent's wishes.
.1 Richard Johnson No data.
.2 Jack Johnson No data
.3 Mervyn Johnson. No data.
.1 George Eardley Wm. Johnson m. Mary Grey
b. 1888 4 July 1951 ex Scotland
.1 Amy Esther 26 Oct 1910 28 July 1974
Latrobe Hospital
.2 Irene 3 May 1912
.3 Laurence Eardley Wm. 27 May 1915
.4 Ada 7 Aug 1921
(see Note 65)
.2 Philip Hilton Elmore Johnson Murdered in Melbourne.(see Note 66). Never Married. No issue.
.1 George Briggs. Never married. No issue
.2 Harry Briggs Snr. M. Sarah Taylor
Lived Deniliquin
.1 Harry
.2 May
.3 Ada
.4 Nellie
.5 Rupert
.6 Roy
.3 Maggie Briggs m. ? Gilbert
No other data.
.1 Lillian Briggs. No data
.2 James Briggs. Never married. No issue
.3 Nellie Briggs m. ? Clayton
Lived Moulamein, Deniliquin
No data on family.
.4 Sylvia Briggs m. a) Henry Atkinson
m. b) ? Hamilton. No issue
To a )
.1 "Suzie"
.2 Amos
.3 Henry?
.5 Dolly Briggs m a) Jones
m. b) Clark
To a)
.1 Betty
No data on rest of family.
6. Eric Briggs m. Agnes Hamilton
ex Cummeragunja
.1 girl (adopted).
.7 Louisa Briggs. M. ? ex Point McLeay, Sth. Aust.
Lived at Menindie.
.8 Carrie Briggs
.1 daughter
.2 son
.9 Maurice Briggs
No data
.10 Margaret Briggs m. Frank Nicholson, ex Swan Hill
.1 girl
.2 girl
.3 boy
No other data.
.5 Dolly Edwards m. a)
m. b) Bill Austin ex Framlingham
Purnim Settlement m. c) George Alberts No issue
From a)
.1 William (Edwards)
From b)
.2 Doreen
.3 Jean
.4 Walter
.5 Sydney
.6 Arthur Herbert "Nulla"
.7 Amy d. 1973
.8 Lance "Alf", twin to Amy
.9 Joan
10. Robert NYM
Dolly came from Cummeragunja to Framlingham as a little girl, cannot remember much about Cummeragunja.
.6 Tommy Edwards. Died young No issue.
.7 Craig Edwards. Died young. No issue.
1., Gordon Holton m. Sippy Barker
ex Cummeragunja
d. of pneumonic flu d. at Mooroopna Hospital
.1 Amy (Only child)
.2 Beatrice Holton M. Arthur Nelson
N.S.W. d.
.1 Audrey
.2 Arthur
.3 Maude
Connie Holton M. Joshua Cooper
.1 Nellie m. in Griffith
.2 son
.1 "Billy" Charles m. Elizabeth Morgan (Remarried Finnemore Jackson after Wm. deceased, and had Nellie and Dulcie).
.1 Lydia
.2 William
.3 Clancy d.
.2 Sarah Charles m. a) Burns
b) Samuel Charles ex Coranderrk
From a)
George. Recently deceased (before Jan.
From b)
.2 boy. Killed by falling tree
.3 Rhoda d.
Melinda d. (Mooroopna)
.5 Georgina
.6 Phyllis
.7 Harriet
I LAI,- I 0
Charlotte Atkinson .3 Henry Charles
Lived Coranderrk or Cummeragunja
Olive d. .2 Henry d.
Most died young of a
.3 Muriel d. heart condition
.4 Jack, d.
.5 Blanche P.
.6 Stanley d. from an accident
.4 John Charles m. Esther Ingram (dr. of Elizabeth Briggs)
Lived at Moonahcullah ex Moonahcullah
.1 Steven
.2 Muriel
.3 William? "Kingy" (b. on Kings birthday)
.4 David d. Killed by car, Geelong.
.5 Robert .6 Elsie .7 Elizabeth. .8 Mary
.5 George Charles. No data.
.6 Jemima Campbell. No data.
.7 Margaret Campbell M. Shadrach James (d)
Shepparton (f. Indian, teacher at Cummeragunja,
changed ram to Jams, was Piersheim originally from Ceylon, Mauritius)
.1 Miriam d.
.2 Shadrach d. . -23 NOV 1973
.7 (Continued)
.3 Garfield P.
Rebecca "Judy" d.
.5 *Elizabeth "Betty" P.
.6 Rupert P.
.7 "Nona" Irene d.
.8 Doris d.
Louisa Campbell m. James "Jimmy" Charles
Lived Cummeragunja Bro. to Samuel
.1 Maurice
.2 Daphne
.3 Colin
.4 Mavi s
.5 Edna
Stel I a d. Killed by 2nd husband
.7 Thora d.
(Was there a Linda and a Jimmy in this family?) (Priscilla McRae gives these names)
Helen Campbell m. Edward Atkinson
Joti-Jota or Yorta-Yorta Tribe., Moira Lakes.
.1 Geoffrey d. 1975
.2 Muriel
Note 1
Little is known of George Briggs. Plomley notes that he is possibly the George Briggs who came out free in the Harrington in 1806. However Bowden in his book "Captain James ,Kelly of Hobart Town" states that James Kelly was accompanied on his circumnavigation of Tasmania by George Briggs "a native born" i.e. he was born in N.S.W. James Kelly said that Briggs had two 'wives and five children. In 1819 Briggs was aboard the Glory in Sydney with John and William Griffiths,, Jacky Miti and James Thompson. . In 1823 and 1824 he made several trips in the Nereus between Port Jackson and Fort Dalrymple In 1831 Robinson listed him as "a sailor on board Griffiths's schooner" and in January 1837 as a sealer living on Clarke Is. This is the last definite record of Briggs.
In .1848 Thomas Beedon wrote to the Surveyor General asking for a lease of Badger Is., he requested that any reply "should be sent to Mr. Brigg of the Dolphin Inn) Launceston" TSA LSD 21 Feb. 1848). This possibly is George Briggs. (George Briggs should not be confused with Captain John Briggs -who in 1828 owned 2.,000 acres at South Esk and had previously owned the brig Cyprus which he sold to the Government and which was afterwards pirated by convicts being sent to Macquarie Harbour.)
Harry O'May in "Sealers of Bass Strait".. and quoting from James Kelly's expedition,, notes that "Briggs had married the daughter of Lamanbungarrah (= Lemana Bungana), the chief of the Cape Portland Tribe". When Briggs told his father-in-law that his wife was in good health the chief said that "he was in daily communication with her by smoke signals's at her home on Cape Barren Island. The chief wanted Briggs and Kelly to help him in his war against his brother Tolobunganah,, at Mussel Roe., chief of that tribe.
Bonwick records Jeffrey's praise of Dolly. . Her mother Bong had been attracted (?) to the side of a young sailor of the Straits, said to have been of respectable connexions but of a "wild and volatile disposition". On one occasion, Bong came with the sealers to Launceston to trade skins., and went for a' walk in the bush with an infant at her breast. The child was dragged from her by tribesmen and flung in the fire. %e snatched it out and escaped to hide overnight, arriving in Launceston at dawn, but the child died a few days later.*
Note 2
(father of Woretermoeteyenner)
"(he) is a man of fine person and features: his nose is not broad like the generality of his countrymen, but formed much like the nose of an Englishman: the colour of his skin would be all that would distinguish him from an Englishman if he were washed and dressed. Like all those that are here, except one, he uses ball-de-winny and is smeared with it from head to foot. The women have ceased to use it..." (10 October 1832.. from the journal of James Backhouse in Plomley 1971.)
The following short genealogy gives the tribal forbears of the Briggs., Everett,, and Thomas families. All are related through the chief Mannalargenna ("a fine man,, a great warrior").
The Descent of Mannalargenna
Parental Generation F0
1.0 Mannalargenna m. Tanleeboneyer (abducted by John
Chief of Ben Lomond Tribe Swanport Tribe (Brown, sealer)
(Plangermaireener Nation) (Loontiternairerlehoiner Nation)
Tasmania Sister Teekartee
Tribal Generation F1
.1 son Neerhepeererminer
.2 daughter Woretermoeteyenner Mussel Roe Nation
.3 daughter Wottecowidger b.cA 1807-
.4 daughter Wobberertee St. Patricks Head Nation
.5 daughter Teekooltermee Georges River Nation (Panpekanner)
(above data from Plomley, 1966., 1971).
Note No 1
Mussel Roe Nation are the Pairebeene or Trawlwoolway
St. Patricks Head Nation are Leenerateminener or Leeiermairermener.
Mannalargenna also called Lemana Bungana Limana Bungana
Woretermoteyenner also called Pung (hence., Bung or Bong).
Wobberertee called Wobbelty, Wapperty, Wobberty, Wonoteah Coota Hem
(name translates as Thunderstorm, Thunder and Lightning).
All people descended from the above persons are therefore related.
Mannalargenna's brother Tolobungana was chief of the George R. Nation,' his descent unknown.
Bungs Reef off Cape Barren Island named after the chief Mannalargenna.
Thunder and Lightning Bay, nearby) after Wobberertee.
Second Filial Generation F2
1.1 Neerhepeereminer - speared by enemies. No issue.
1.2 Woretermoeteyenner - abducted by a) George Briggs, sailor., sealer 1791.
b) John Thomas,, No issue.
.1 Dalrymple Mountgarret 1808-1 SEPT 1864
.2 Female infant, d. after tribesman threw her in the fire
.3 Eliza 1817-JULY 1837
-4 Mary/Margaret 1818-JULY 1.839
.5 John 1820/1825-
See Briggs Genealogy ER
See Vol-3 Part II.
Note 3
Dalrymple Johnson to Capt. Moriarty R.N.- Port officer Hobart. (TSA CO 2801133). 8 May 1841 "you will no doubt recollect my speaking to you yesterday about my mother who is at Flinders Island and who name is Mrs. Briggs. As it is a long time since I had the pleasure of seeing her and as my situation and circumstance in life would enable me to help her live with me' in comfort may I respectfully beg leave to solicit your interposition through the proper channels of getting an order for the removal of my mother from Flinders Island to my residence in this township of Perth. Any expenses attending her conveyance to this place I shall be most willing to pay."
Moriarty to Col. Secretary... ",I believe Mrs. Johnson is well able to support her mother and that no possible injury can occur from her being permitted to reside with her. Mrs. Briggs was not one of the wild aborigines but always lived with Briggs, Mrs Johnson's father."
A letter was sent to the Commandant 28 June 1841 by the Col. Sec. ordering Mrs. Briggs' removal.
Woretermoteyenner lived with the Johnsons until her death on 13 October 1847
An inquest into her death was held in 'the house of Thomas Johnson at Dunnorlan in the District of Westbury."
Margaret Briggs described as an "Aboriginal native of VDL" died of natural causes. Age not given. (Bee TSA. Inquests No . 1760).
Note 4
George Atkinson to Westlake, 1910. 4
(George Atkinson's sister Elizabeth, married Thomas Johnson, Bon of Dolly and Thomas Johnson).
"The Grandmother of Lewis Johnson used when they lived at Perth, to go away among the honeysuckles looking for big grubs. When they lived at Dunorlan she used to take him on her back and go all round the Christmas Hills and light fires all the way, so that they always knew -where she was. She is buried in the road between the hotel and Berry's Store-"
Edward James Elmer to Westlake 1910.
(Elmers are descendants of Dolly, but there is no record of Edward James. Westlake gives no details).
"The old grandmother used to carry her favourite child on her back. He could just talk, about 3 or 4 years old. E put wood in a hollow tree. "Lou" Johnson told them that the
tree was nearly full and that his granny and he was going to have a big fire. They took him away at once. It was known that the old people when they felt their end approach would always do it, so that no one else should get that child and would meet that child again. She died a few days later-"
E. Westlake (1910) MSS (Microfilm Aust Institute for Aboriginal Studies, Canberra).
The exact date of Dolly's birth is not known. The Tasmanian State Archives have card records of early registers which record "A native girl Dalrymple was baptised in Launceston 18 March 1814" no age is given. The 1819 muster for Port Dalrymple is held in the Mitchell Library (see T. Mutch Indexes) and lists "Dalrymple Briggs,, age 7, off stores."
Note 5
William Johnson told Lawrence Johnson, his grandson, that Dolly was the child of Dr. Mountgarret. That her mother was for a time a servant to Mountgarret and that Dolly was his daughter.. That he reared her and cared for her until her late teens. (L.J. to B.M. 12 May 1973). (But NB- that Dolly.calls her mother Mrs. Briggs).
Dolly was raised by Dr. Mountgarret hence her second name.
"Dr. Mountgarret., the first medical man at Risdon, and afterwards stationed at Port Dalrymple ordered a blacksmith to be flogged for presenting his bill" (Anon,, 1915., The History of Tasmania. Melb. Truth). Also., "the publicans of the day were noted as brothel-keepers and rogues". Mountgarret attended after the 3 May 1803 slaughter of aborigines by Lieut. Moore, when he dissected bodies, preserved some in lime and shipped them to Sydney,, and kept (for a time) an orphan of the massacre.
Note 6
Mr. Jack Hearps., Upper Maude Street Ulverstone., has a manuscript assembled by Mr. Percy Mulligan, the father of the present matron of the Eliza Purten Home.
Mulligans account) much reduced here reproduces most of the published material; it notes that when Dolly was 12 years of age (1820) she was taken in care by Mountgarret and taught by Mrs. Mountgarret to read, write., sew and so on. She joined Johnson in Stockers hut. (see also Ramsay, pp-41-44). Later (after Perth) Johnson and Dolly went to Latrobe
and took over the tenancy of "Frogmore" from Mr. Henry Bonney. In early 1851 they leased and acquired by purchase part or all of the 600 acre Tarleton town reserve, and portion of Ballahoo Island together with some of the suburbs of Tarleton. 500 acres
were purchased southwest of "Frogmore" and Johnson built there
"Sherwood -Hall", and owned-hotels at Sherwood and Ballahoo. He built a hall at the latter place for public recreation dances religious services and as a school.
Thomas owned the town blocks later discovered coal and opened up the export timber trade, which cost him his am. Johnson Street was named after him, and he was the district's most prominent citizen, a member of the Devon and Sherwood Road Trusts, and so on ...
Mrs. Dalrymple Johnson died on 1st Sept. 1864., her obituary is in the Launceston Examiner of 8 December 1864. Her family "and offshoots to the third generation" attended at the funeral. (Thos. and his wife were buried side by side under a laurel tree by the banks of the Mersey River., now washed away to sea by floodwater.)
Thos. Johnson was sentenced in the Isle of Ely in 1825 and received a life sentence., arriving on the Asia in 1824. He was assigned to W.T. Stocker in that year, and continued in his service at the Meander until 1831. He lived "with a woman Dalrymple Briggs, daughter of a native woman" and had 3 children., when he petitioned to marry her on 29 September 1831 (Petition ex Police Office, Norfolk Plains, of that date).
From the application Book of 12 July 1830; the number of children were given as only two, girls of 4 and 2 years of age. They had been christened 'since the clergyman's *arrival.'; the woman had lived about two years with the petitioner, and was industrious and sober etc, A Sgt. Smith annotates that "this is the woman who made so courageous a defence lately",, and notes that "she is a capital markswoman., never missing her aim". (1 October 1831).
Dolly petitioned., also, to have Johnson assigned to her- The petition to marry was eventually approved by Governor Arthur) and as a reward for Johnson's part in the defence against marauding aborigines,- Thos. Johnson was to be free on the day he married Dolly. A suburban allotment of 20 acres - in any town of their choosing - was to be given them. This grant to date from 14 October 1831., the day she defended her children against the blacks. (Native Plains, 29 October 1831). An R.R. Davies writes on that date to inform the authorities that the pardon is to be made out, as the petitioners had been married by him.
However, the pardon was some time in coming after the marriage, and: Dalrymple Johnson petitioned Gov. Arthur., as a native of this colony and a daughter of the original inhabitants) married to Thomas Johnson (per the Asia),, for his freedom, as she has 4 children 'deprived of a father's protection' while he is still under sentence. As he had been then transported 7 years., he was "assignable" and she begs leave to take him under her care; she seeks the governor's fatherly consideration in order to receive Johnson as her servant. She proposed to 'remove to the Western District' if the petition is approved and promises to collect the signatures of many respectable persons in support, if needed. (This was not recommended, signature indefinable). Undated,, but later than the birth of Thomas, in 1835, and the annotation was dated 25 October 1836. It is thought that some officials did not want Johnson pardoned.,.and that is why he and Dolly later left the Deloraine area for
Latrobe area.
Note 7
J.R. Skemps (1964) "History of the Deloraine municipality gives a fairly full history of Dolly Dalrymple'$ as follows:- Dairy Plains. "Johnson, an assigned servant, had living with him a half-caste woman named Dolly Dalrymple and their two little girls aged five and three. Dolly was the daughter of the sealer named Briggs,, who had been with Captain Kelly on his adventurous voyage around Tasmania in a whaleboat in 1816, and a full-blood aborigine named Bong, a member of the Dalrymple tribe. As a child Dolly had been taken into the care of Dr Mountgarret of George Town and given some schooling. She was a handsome woman in her early twenties when she went to live with Johnson at Dairy Plains. Their home was the usual slab hut while Johnson was away on his stock rounds., the hut was quietly surrounded by blacks. Dolly sent her older child to investigate a noise outside. A spear pierced the little girl's inner thigh and pinned her to the door post. Dolly, musket in hand, released the shrieking child and pulled her inside, the gun keeping the attackers at --a distance. The fact that she was part-aboriginal, living with a white man, only made her the more hateful to the natives. For six hours Dolly held the fort, taking an occasional shot at the enemy with duck shot, whenever they approached near enough to attempt to burn down the hut by throwing lighted sticks on it. On Johnson's return they retreated to the bush, and did not resume the attack.
Captain Moriarty, who had recently been granted the Dunorlan estate reported the incident to the Colonial Secretary and suggested that Dolly's action merited some reward. She was granted a township allotment of 20 acres at Perth. At the same time she married Johnson, and later applied to have him assigned to her they must have returned to Dairy Plains in the early 'forties.
A story related by Dan Griffin tells how his father Liam the elder,, visited their hut., but found there only two dusky boys aged about ten and twelve of whom said to the other "ain't he a long-Tom?" and Tom replied.. "Yes., and I bet he's a strong - too'?.
In 1845, Johnson, now a free man, became overseer of the Frogmore Estate near Latrobe. He made money by paling splitting and bought an estate he called "Sherwood" a couple of mile's up the river.. where they built a house and settled down.' In the middle fiftie s Johnson had a public house called the "Native Youth" on the river banks of the Mersey at Sherwood. A little later he owned a coal mine, the 'Alfred Colliery', which shipped its coal from Ballaho Creek where he had another inn called the 'Dalrymple I - Dolly died in 1864 and Thomas' in 1867; but they left many descendants...."
Of Dolly's sister., West (1854) relates an anecdote showing the love of the women, but the distaste of the tribesmen for children of mixed blood; "A native woman,, who had an infant of this class fell accidentally into the hands of her tribe: they tore the child from her arms) and threw it in the flames. The mother instantly snatched it from death, and quick as lightning dashed into the bush.... the injuries she (the baby) received were, however fatal. An elder daughter, called Miss Dalrymple was the first half-caste child born in the colony: she was remarkably prepossessing: her eyes black,, her skin coppercoloured her cheeks rosy, and her limbs admirably modelled ..... (Most writers eulogise in this way about Miss Dalrymple).
Ramsay quotes Captain Moriarty's letter of August 25 to the Colonial Secretary, fully setting out the circumstances of the attack. Jane Thompson, the child speared, was reported to have had very fair hair which turned black later in life; she married John Hearps in the 'early fifties' and lived south of Latrobe until 1894., "when-she went to live in the Forth district". At that time she had over forty descendants. "She died in May 1898., at the age of 72". Ramsay then gives an outline of Johnson's history. The Johnsons had several children... Their daughters,, says Bonwick) became celebrated all over the country for their loveliness. One of them had-perfectly white hair".
Mrs Johnson (Dolly Dalrymple) died on 1 December 1864., aged 54, Thoma's on 3 December 1869, aged 61 years. "Caroline Creek, at Sherwood was named after their eldest daughter" (actually, Caroline was not the eldest daughter, but Jane was).,
Thomas Johns(t)on
Note 8
1. Thomas Johnson was tried at Cambridge Isle of Ely Assizes on 17 February 1823 and given a life sentence. He arrived in the colony in January 1824 per Asia I.
2. He was transported for burglary.
3. Gaol Report : "Not known before - orderly".
4. Hulk Report : Orderly.
5. Single.
6. Stated this offence : "Housebreaking". Prosecutor Mr Ayres. Cambridgeshire, 4 miles from Chatteris. Father and mother at Grandfield, Bedfordshire. Farmer's Labourer, last lived at Native Place, Bedfordshire with Mr Baker.
7. He was granted a Conditional Pardon, No. 300 on 9 Oct 1831. This was extended to include Australian colonies on 12 August 1845. He was recommended for a 1st class pardon on 17 February 1845. Approved 7 January 1846. (T.S.A CON 22/1)
Note 9
Charles Ramsay (undated) 'With the Pioneers", (Mercury Press Hobart) gives detailed background on the Devonport district development:-
Ca. 1835, Capt Wm. Moriarty took up land (200 acres) at Frogmore on location order. His sister Lucinda lived there and named Ballahoo Island, but in 1837 after serious floods,
abandoned that selection. he was succeeded in 1837 by Henry Aitken Bonney at Frogmore estate but Bonney gave up his tenancy in the "middle forties"; this tenancy was taken over by Thomas Johnson in 1845; and a paling splitting establishment was set up, exporting to South Australia on the Tamar (Capt. Tregurtha). See also Hudson Fysh's book on Henry Reed.
Note 10
Robinson in his journal for 24 Sept. 1830 describes Stocker's stockkeeper: "This stockkeeper-, lives with an halfcaste female, a stout well made person by whom he has had two children. They are exceedingly fine children as are all the half-caste children that I have yet seen. This woman's father is a white man, a sailor on board Griffith's schooner and her mother a black woman named PUNG-A, who is now at the establishment. The children are very fair and their hair is white The stock-keeper said that when he first came the natives were peaceable, but that they have been drove to commit outrages on the whites by reason of the dire atrocities first committed upon them ...... Punch (Robinson's guide) said he knew of every slaughter of the natives that had occurred at the Western Marshes since it was first settled and said that when the half-caste woman lived with Cubitt she assisted in killing natives." Plomley, pp.219. Me stockkeeper is probably Thomas Johnson)*
Note 10
Bonwick records Cupid (Cubitt) running to'Dolly's hut for shelter, when speared. Dolly "compelled his assailants to retreat with heavy loss of life", using a double-barrelled gun. Dolly's association with Cubitt would explain the attacks made (in return) on her and her children.
According to Plomley James Cubitt arrived in V.D.L. March 1820. He was a stockkeeper at Lake River and died in 1857.
Note 11
Dolly once tried to contact a group of natives near Squeaking Point. She swam the river (Sorell) with a child on her back but was speared through the leg and had to swim back, and was found injured there. (L.J. to B.M. May 1973).
Note 12
The little daughter of Dolly Dalrymple, Jane who was speared by the blacks, was the one that had very fair hair. When she grew up her hair became very black. By 1894 she had over 40 descendants .... (from Ramsay, C., "With the Pioneers").
Note 13
When Dolly was fighting off the Blacks at Dairy Plains she made a hole in the roof to fire through. The girls poured the bullets. She hit one chief who called out "Quamby" and was carried away. They hid the body in a tree. (W.J. to L.J. to B. M. May 1973).
Note 14
During 1856 Thomas Johnson and W. Dawson examined Kentish Plains"and they surveyed and opened up-a road between there and Tarleton. In April 1859, with James "Philosopher" Smith and J. Jones, Johnson found gold on the Wilmot R. above the Forth Junction, and later in the vicinity of Middlesex Plains., and Forth River. In 1855) Johnson opened up the "Alfred Colliery', and it was "inaugurated" with a party on October 28. The Examiner of 6 June 1856 gives details of a party on 30 May 1856 celebrating the first loads of coal to be brought down to the Mersey.
Johnson put in a tramway of 21 miles to the shipping place. Coal "fizzled out" by 1867. Much more data is given by Ramsay on Johnson's business deals, including one where 'he put it over' Joshua Lyons "a son of Israel" on a timber - deal.
Note 15
A note in old documents held by L.J. records that "coal discovered land belonging to Thomas Johnson., about 42 chains from the Mersey on this Tuesday., the seam 62 feet from surface: 18 Sep. 1855". This became the Alfred Colliery, mentioned in Thomas' will. Danny, the son of Wm. Gower was killed in the mine. (L.J. to B.M. May 1973).
Note 16
Thos. Johnson used to ride through to Launceston to the bank, carrying sovereigns in his high-tiled hat. On one trip he found 16 stray sheep for which a man was to be hanged in Devonport for suspicion of stealing. He rode back and had him freed.
That man's son became a lawyer and saved a property that one of the boys was being cheated out of, as part payment for Thos' good deed. (L.J. to B.M. May 1973)..
Note 17
Mrs. Vivian Gower has many old photos (Latrobe). She states that Thomas Johnson had a brother Samuel. Also.. "my father-in-law told me that Dolly was not a Briggs but a Rogers." Mrs. Gower had,, until March 1974, the table that Dolly stood on while fighting off the attack at Dairy Plains - it had burns on it from the attempt to fire the hut. (to"B.M. Dec 1974
Note 18
Mrs. Heazlewood says that Johnson transported for driving a flock of sheep - he was paid 2/- to do so., but they proved to be stolen, and'he was arrested. -Mrs. Gower states that Thomas was found guilty of'poaching a rabbit.
Note 19
Thos. Johnson married a Marie Emma Bourne on Dolly's death. Marie was a young woman., about 21 years of age. They had one child, a girl, who married Gore-Brown., the manager of the Don Co. at Devonport, but there was no issue from that marriage. Marie offended Thos. after saying she had married for money) and he added a codicil to his will (original signed 30 May 1867 included Marie - this revoked by codicils 20 Nov. 1867 and 20 Dee. 1867 after her confession) taking away from her all but her marriage settlement - so that she had no money. Marie was the daughter of a ship's captain -who took the logs for the first Melbourne wharf from the Mersey. Marie received a property near Frogmore for her marriage settlement. (L.J. to B.M. 12 May 1973). Marie remarried a Masterman (descendants still in the area) after Thos. deceased.
Note 20
Mrs- Riley (D.R. to B.M. Aug, 175) says Johnson married "Poll Lobley" after Dolly's death. This name was probably derived from the fact that Thomas and Maria's daughter Z arah married Joseph Lobley who died in December 1886 aged 61, Zarah his wife died August 30 189o, they are buried at La Trobe.
Note 21
Hawley Stancombe., historian, "Glendessary", Evandale interviewed by B.M. Dec 197L, says that Thos. Johnson worked for some time at "Native Point,,, Just south of Perth and that he was the informant who gave "Cabbie" (pen-name of W. Dean) an eye_ witness 'account of the capture of Brady, the bushranger,, when the latter was taken/shot at in the river n ear Perth. See Dean, W. 1889 Famous Bushrangers of Tasmanian (State Archives).
The same document records the hold-up at Tarleton of Jack Johnson, by Dalton and Kelly. Hawley Stancombe said that W.T. Stocker, Thos,. Johnson's employer at Dairy Plains was secretary to Col. Davey (Gov. Davey) and 'was robbed on his way to L'ton as governor's messenger., That he married "after a tedious courtship Of two years', Maria Hays (see below* had the inn at Ross, and the Derwent chop-house in Hobart on the site of the C'wealth Bank near the G.P.O. Lawrence Johnson has an old book of Dolly,s in her own handwriting. Johnson's grant at Perthsee map P Photolith Feb. 1952 Lands and Surveys was bounded by Norfolk St.., 62 King St. Bass Highway and Frederick St. , Perth.
St Davids, Church Of England, Records. Hobart.-
Wm. 'Thos Stocker M. Mary Maria Hayes (free) 40 years (free) 46 years m. 27 JUN 1816, Hobart.
Note 22
Dalrymple Mountgarret Briggs married Thomas Johnson at Longford on the 29 Oct 1831. Chaplain R.R. Davies. (see Tas. State Archives reco rds.) Family records say they were married on 29 Oct 1826. Thomas Johnson died 3 Dec 1867 "aged 61 years". Dolly died 1 Sept 1864 "aged 54 years".
Note 23
Baptism records held in the Tas. State Archives have the following information:
"Jane, daughter of Thomas Baker and Dalrymple Briggs., born 31 May 1826. Baptised by Rev. Youl at Norfolk Plains 4 Jul 1830. Abode Westbury. Parish of Norfolk Plains C of E."
Note 24
"Sarah, daughter of Thomas Thompson and Dalrymple Briggs., born 24 August 1828. Baptised by Rev. Youl 4 Jul 1830. Abode Westbury Parish of Norfolk Plains C of E."
It is possible that Baker and Thompson are aliases for Johnson as christian names are both Thomas and Robinson noted that Dolly had two children by the stockkeeper at Stockers (Johnson) with whom she was living in 1830.
Note 25
Eliza and Mary Briggs are both included in a list of 25 aboriginal children in Launceston 26 Feb. 1831.
"Mary Briggs, sister to Eliza. This girl is about 13 years of age and has been about the town a considerable time. Several decent persons have taken her into their houses but she would not remain with them. She was confined in the watchhouse for vagrancy,, and sent to the house of correction for 28 days.
"Eliza Briggs is 14 years of age; has been with Mrs Jones in the prisoners barracks in Launceston since February 1827 up to the present time." (TSA CSO 1/322/7578)
An earlier list of 1827 records "Mary Briggs, aged 8, living with William Bray (of indifferent character)" and "Eliza Briggs aged 11, living with William Jones (of good character".
(TAs cso 66/1.).
Note 26
St. John's Church of England, Launceston have the following burials:
No-51 Eliza Briggs died in'. the Benevolent Hospital 11 Jul 1837. "A woman of color, born in the colony,, free. "
No.31 7 Margaret Briggs died in Launceston 31 Jul 1839, 22 years. "Half caste native."
Note 27
Mrs Doris Riley's mother said she saw two brothers of Dolly who went away "over the other side" (Vic). (D.R. to B.M.
Aug '75). A note in Plomley mentions a son of Briggs taken to Hobart in 1831 aged 5 or 6. This could of course be John Briggs or possibly his younger brother .
Munro and Mansell arrived in Hobart, March 1831, to put their case to the Governor concerning G.A.R.'s attempts to take from them their women. They brought with them a half-caste boy, aged 5 or 6 years, who they left at Kangaroo Point. Plomley notes that "It appears that they left the boy-with Thomas Crawley., stating that they would call for him in a month or two .
Crawley asked that the boy be placed at the aboriginal establishment where his mother was; and remarked that his reputed father was George Briggs who had several half-caste children., and had abandoned them".
(Plomley 1966
Note 28
Clues to the Identity of Louisa Briggs
Louisa Esme is reported by her grandchildren to have been the daughter of Truganini. She repeatedly stated this tobe the case both to her family and to other people.
A recent biography of Truganini says "--there is no evidence to indicate that she ever had a child, presumably because of sterility caused by some form of venereal disease." This statement ignores information supplied in 1908 by H.D. Atkinson: "She (Truganini) fretted about a child she had lost, her own child- died in infancy I think- I never saw it." However, of the many people associated with Truganini,Atkinson is the only person to have recorded or mentioned any child born to her, and contemporary accounts seem to indicate that Louisa was an Australian(i.e. mainland) aborigine. Commander Crawford Pascoe R.N. visited the Bass Strait islands in 1842 in the Government vessel the Vansittart; in 1897 he published his reminiscences:
"On Preservation Island was Jimmy Munro who held the title of King of the Straits, and had been there then (1842) for thirty-seven years. He had his lubra, but no family of his own. She had one little girl, whom he had brought with the mother, but I never knew what part they had been taken from till forty years after, when I met the "little girl" at Coranderrk Aboriginal Station in Victoria as Mrs. Briggs, then an old grandmother.
Visiting this station, where I knew some of the blacks Mrs. Briggs said she knew me when she was a little girl at Preservation Island and remembered my having given her some biscuits. She told me that she and her-mother were near Port Nepean at the entrance of Port Phillip, when Jimmy came in with his boat and carried them off. She told me the .name of my vessel, in proof of her memory, the Vansittart"
This information ties in with an entry in the diary of James Dredge and more importantly with entries in Robinson's journals.
1. Ellis, V.R. Trucanini Queen or Traitor (O.B.M. Publishing Company, Hobart, 1976) p.129. 2. According to Plomley "Henry Dresser Atkinson was appointed as minister to the settlements along D'Entrecasteaux Channel; he was there until about 1877, and knew Truganini. He was rector at Evandale when Westlake interviewed him in 1908.11 N.J.B. Plomley, A word-list of the Tasmanian aboriginal languages. (Published by the author in association with the Government of Tasmania 1976) P-56. 3. Westlake, Ernest. Records 1908-1910 Mss Original in Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford. Microfilm in Australian Institute of Aboriginal studies Canberra.
Melbourne Port Phillip "June 16 1841
During the week a young man of the Boonworongs arrived in the Edina from Adelaide. It appears that about 5 years ago this tribe was on the coast of the Bay near Arthur's Seat, when a vessel came in, and, having anchored., her crew went ashore. Early one morning they induced 9 women and 2 boys to go in their boat, and took them on board their vessel and sailed out of the harbour. One of the women contrived afterwards to make her escape, and returned to her own people. The others were taken to Preservation Island ... The young man now returned, after a time was taken to Launceston whence he escaped in a vessel which he thought would take him home. Her destination however was Swan River where he lived amongst Europeans,, made himself useful as a stockkeeper, and eventually obtained one pound per week wages. An opportunity offering he took his passage in a vessel bound to Adelaide, for which he paid 0 - and then hired himself on board the Edina to work his passage to P.P. where he has joined his relatives .... He is fine youth and speaks English pretty well .... The blacks say that many years ago a vessel put into Western Port, and attempted to carry off some of the women, who saved themselves by running away, the whites however fired upon them, killed 2 and lamed others. Some of them carry the shots in their flesh to this day."
Robinson visited the Bass Strait islands in January 1837 and listed a number of Australian aboriginal women living with the sealers, two were from Port Lincoln (South Australia) the others were taken from Port Phillip by George Meredith (who had since been murdered by Aborigines in South Australia) and were living with the sealers Munro, Maynard, Everett and Strugnall.
"At Preservation is Munro who had a New Holland woman., a native of Port Phillip and a daughter about 14 years of age that she had in her own country....another daughter belonging to this woman was living with Strugnall on Gun Carriage Island by whom she had had two children. She was about 16 years of age .one of the two children was about 2 years old, the other about three weeks."
In 1876 R. Brough Smyth (at one time Secretary of the Board for the Protection of the Aborigines) compiled notes on the Aborigines of Australia and Tasmania which were published in 1878.
He described John Briggs as "a half-caste Tasmanian who inter married with a half-caste Australian, has had ten children, of whom eight are now living - three boys and five girls. John Briggs was born in one of the islands in Bass's Straits. His wife is the daughter of an Australian woman who with her sister, was taken to Tasmania at the time that Buckley(**) was removed from Port Phillip to that colony. His eldest son is between seventeen and eighteen years of age, and the youngest son is two months old. He says he was married in 1844. He is an intelligent man; tall and well-formed, but weather-beaten in appearance. His hair is grey (gives full physical description). He is the only half-caste Bass's Straits man I have ever had the opportunity of closely examining. He is very different from the half-caste Australian,
(** - from above)
Robinson, George Augustus. Journal 9 January, 1837 (Ms in Mitchell Library Sydney ML A 7032), see also Robinson's Report on the sealers 12 January 1837. (TSA CSO 5/19/384
William Buckley was brought to Tasmania in 1835, Brough Smyth may not mean that Louisa's mother was brought/ with Buckley but ,merely in that year which is close to the time that Meredith and/or Munro would have raided the Port Phillip tribes.
and is also unlike the half-caste negro". It would seem from this information that Louisa Briggs was one of the two girlstaken, with their mother, from Port Phillip by Munro or Meredith,the eldest of whom married Strugnell. There is no further information on Strugnell, or his two children living on Gun Carriage Island in 1837. However, it seems unlikely that Louisa was the part aboriginal child of Strugnell's (aged two in 1637) because John Briggs said he married Louisa in 1844 and George Briggs was born in 1844 when Louisa would only have been nine. Dianne Barwick calls Louisa "Strugnell Briggs" but does not explain further. (See Munro Bligh and Strugnell families in "Eastern Straitsmen, Vol-3, Part II, for further notes).
Note 29
In 1876 Louisa Briggs was described by a reporter as a "most resolute lady" who 'is matron of the establishment, on a salary of 10s. a week, and manages the affairs of the children and young people in school with the utmost vigilance and much success. She is their cook and laundress and general monitor and gouvernante. . .
R. Brough Smyth The Aborigines of Victoria: with notes relating to the habits of the Natives of other Parts of Australia and Tasmania (Government of Victoria', 1878) Vol 1. pp-94-95. 8. Barwick, D. "And the Lubras are ladies Now" in Gale., F. (ed) Women in Aboriginals Society second edition (Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, Canberra 1974) P-58
She is also the accoucheuse in ordinary of the establishment, the general nurse in sickness and a handy and vigorous all round administrator' (Argus 1 September 1876).
(Quoted in Barwick, D. "The Lubras are Ladies NOW").
Note 30
A number of photographs of Louisa, her children and 30 grandchildren were taken at Coranderrk and are held in the National Museum of Victoria.
Note 31
Massola (1975) compiled a list of Births, deaths and 31 marriages at Coranderrk which includes Harry Briggs b. Mt Cole buried Coranderrk (grave no. 114) and Anne Briggs b. Mt Cole, buried Coranderrk (grave no. 116). No ages are given but considering their birthplace it would seem they are the children of John and Louisa and are possibly the two deceased by 1878.
Massola also lists;
Caroline Briggs, died 25 March 1882 aged 10 months.
Baby (Briggs) grave no. 113.
Baby (Briggs) grave no. 112.
Anne Briggs, Fullblood, died 6 Nov 1884 aged 60 years.
(This woman may have been given the name Briggs?).
Massola, A. Coranderrk: A history of the Aboriginal Station
(Lowden Publishing Co. Kilmore 1975) Appendix 2.
Note 32
The Annual Reports of Maloga Mission,(NSW) give names of 32 aborigines "who generally or permanently Reside at Maloga".
The Report of 1886 includes:
Georgy Briggs aged 32,
Maggie Briggs aged 6..
Johnny Briggs aged 4 died April 17 1885.
Louisa Briggs aged 1 born July 25 1885. Briggs aged 11. (The younger children are possibly John "Jack" Briggs'. The older Maggie could not be his sister Maggie (1-5-5) as she is listed under her married name of Kerr, aged 22).
Note 33
The Papers of Daniel Matthews (Superintendent Maloga) are held in the Mitchell,Library. They include extracts from reports and his diaries: (ML A'.3384 Vol.2)
Diary May 29 1887 "I hastened to Mrs Briggs house. Her daughter Polly who had since infancy been. subject to epilepsy fell into a comatose state and looked like death. There appeared no breath, and her pulse so weak as to be almost gone, the mother and others were weeping at what seemed death.
We prayed again, during the prayer one of her lips moved and in a little time she breathed the words - 'Jesus, I see Jesus, I see Sissy in heaven, I see Harry, I see George Keefe in heaven.' We were astonished at these remarkable circumstances. The next morning Polly seemed right again, very weak and unable to rise from the bed, but happy and bright."
Note 34
Perth C of E. Marriages:
John Herps age 27 years,.free, batchelor married Jane Baker age 19 years, free, spinster on the 17 August l843.
Witnesses Nicholas Butterby and Hugh Turner.
Both parties signed (X).
Note 35
John Hearps is buried at Latrobe. Name on headstone 35 also spelt "Herps".
Note 36
John Hearps, in the 1850s took up 200 acres of land at New Town, a suburb of Latrobe,
John Hearps took up land somewhere about where Mr. Perkin's farm is now. Dad stayed there as a boy. He told me that Jane was always lame after she was speared. He slept on the sofa there, and one night the possums landed on the roof. He thought it was aborigines attacking (having heard the old stories) and called out "What's that grandfather?". "Only possums" they called back, but they let him sleep across the foot of their bed, and he said he has never since felt so secure as he did then.
Hearps died at Latrobe. Late in life he used to take milk around the district. He always bought a drop of rum in his milk, and was only a few days sick before he died. (J.H. to B.M. Aug 1973).
Note 37
D.R. to B.M. 13 Jul 1975. Uncle Tom Johnson had his leg broken at one time and walked with a cane. He had a gammy arm - had been burnt in a fire. A little, short man, he used to come to our place with his grandson George Rees. His wife's brother, George Atkinson, was an auctioneer. His wife we called "Betsy", children were Dell, Annie, Any, Tom.
Note 38
George Atkinson, a pioneer settler'., is often mentioned' in Ramsay; as is George Jnr. George Snr. owned the schooner Windward. He built or leased hotels, and pursuaded the locals to bridge the Mersey at its present site.
Note 39
T. (Thomas) Johnson of Sheffield played in-a cricket team against England, at Latrobe in January 1888. G. Morse was also in this team.
Note 40
In Thos. Johnson's will in the hands of Lawry Johnson (L.J.), Caroline is not mentioned and may have been deceased. Nor are Jane, or Walter. John George was an executor. Sarah (1) and Wm. (1) were deceased. Lewis, Mary Ann, Charlotte, Alfred Wm. (2) and Sarah (2) were left property. - B.M. May 1973.
(As was Eliza, natural daughter of Mary Ann, who was quite specifically mentioned).
Note 41
Latrobe was surveyed from 31 May 1856, "when Mr. J.J. Gwynne carried out the first survey of allotments". A Gwynne, probably the same man, was a "prominent coal-miner" in 1855.
Note 42
When John Johnson jammed his arm in a logging accident, Dr. Loan cut it off, without anaesthetic. Clive Loan, at Wesley Vale, still has the surgical saw used for that amputation. The timber was cut by pit-saw at that time. (J.H. to B.M. Aug. 1973).
Note 43
Jack Johnson was "bailed up" by the bushrangers Dalton and Kelly in 1852, but released, the bushrangers found other men to row them to Melbourne.
Note 44
Pat Kent (Dec. 1974) has heard the story of a fiery tempered one-armed Johnson with a "hook" who got into an argument at Lords' Hotel in Latrobe, missed a swing at his opponent, and embedded the hook in the door jamb of the pub, which was left there for many years as a momento of the event - it could be this man.
Note 45
My mother Mary Anne was born a Hansbrook, at Glenorchy. Her father had the hotel there Her father was killed when shewas 8 and her mother remarried a Johnstone who was a blacksmith and came to Latrobe later. (D.R. to B.M. Aug '75).
Note 46
Mrs Doris Riley to B.M. 13 Jul 1975. Mary Ann Johnson married Sam Wigmore, and then a George Moore, "she cut off the wig, and left the more". Her children from Wigmore were Liza,
'Who was married and lived in Launceston, and a Percy." I don't think she had children to Moore".
Note 47
A 'Henry Wigmore was appointed Harbour master and pilot in the Mersey in 1855; but went to sea again in 1864 as the captain of the Katheraw, bringing workmen and materials for the railway line to the Mersey from Hobart. Samuel Wigmore is not noted by Ramsay.
Note 48
One of Charlotte's children killed off a bullock wagon. L.J. Bullocks bolted in fire.
Note 49
Wm., son of Charlotte -went to N.Z.' and married a maori. On their return here the boat went down and he supported his child of 6 weeks (the wife had died in childbirth) all night until rescued. He reared seven children on his own. - L.J.
Note 50
Alfred Wm.'s sons Dick, Jack and .Mervyn returned to the Mersey from Victoria in a fishing boat in the 1950s. They camped where the oil-tanks are now, above the bridge and also lived
aboard. Jack was killed by a train while walking along the line, Mervyn (the youngest) died of appendicitis, and Dick returned to Melbourne where he died of cancer. Neither Dick nor Jack were married (it is thought). A 'young Dick' was with them, but returned to Melbourne. While at Devonport Jack saved an old man (Kent?) and boy from drowning. They were all good swimmers and fished out of Cowes. (L.J. to B.M. May 1973). There may have been sisters in this family.
Note 51
Ada, adopted by Wm. Johnson was a child by the girl he employed at an hotel he owned. Her father, a shopkeeper in Devonport, tried to sue her for a small debt (2-3 shillings for stockings) until Wm. intervened! (L.J. to B.M. May 1973). Ada later married a Newall in Hobart and had 'Westella' and 'Roxburgh' boarding houses. Her husband worked in the railways (L.J. to B.M.'May 1973). He died in St. Kilda.
Note 52
On 30 Sept 1881, George Briggs gave the following evidence
"Report on Coranderrk Aboriginal Station"
Are you the brother of the other Briggs that was in here? Yes.
How old are you? Thirty- eight
Where did you come from? Tasmania.
Were you born in Tasmania? Yes.
How long have you been on the station? Six weeks at the present time... I never stay on the station.
Were you here on the former station? No, I have been working up country.
You came from Tasmania with your father and mother? Yes.
Where were you father and mother when you came over? They came to Melbourne.
When they came up here did you come with them? No, I stopped on a station on the other side of Fiery Creek.
Where did you come from lately? Daylesford, near Ballarat.
What were you doing there? Bullock driving.
Did you get tired of that work? No, they were giving the bullocks a spell, and I thought I would come and see my mother and brother.
Have you been working here at all? Yes, I was here about two years ago, and stopped about eight weeks.
You worked then? Yes.
You prefer being away to stopping here? Yes.
Have you worked any since you came back? Yes, during the time I was here I worked and never received any payment. I was hunted off the station by Captain Page.
What was that for? I do not know.
Have you been married? I have been, but my wife left me.
Did you marry here? No, at Ararat.
A black? No, a white woman.
Any children? Yes.
Where are they? In the Industrial School; I pay so much a week for them.
("The 1882 Report on Coranderrk Aboriginal Station p.27. Copy held in the Aust. Institute of Aboriginal Studies').
Note 53
John Briggs gave the following evidence:
John Briggs, aboriginal, examined.
How old are you? I am going on for twenty-five years.
Where were you born? Mount Cole, the other side of Ballarat.
How long have you been here? A little over ten years.
Do you work on the station? Yes.
Constantly? Yes.
Have you done so ever since you have bean oh the station! Yes
Do you got payment for it? Yes; but I do not know what I am getting.
When were you paid last? Some time last week I think.
How much did you get then? 1.14s.
That was for two months' work? Yes.
What do you do with the money? Buy meat.
Are you married? Yes.
Have you any-children? Two children.
Does it take all that money to buy meat? Yes.
Does it take more than that? Yes.
How do you get money to pay for the rest? The butcher trusts us till the next pay.
Do you get enough of other kinds of food? Flour and tea and sugar?
Do you get enough? Yes, we got enough.
Potatoes? No vegetables of any kind since Mr. Green left, there was plenty in his time.
Do you get plenty of clothing to wear? No, we do not get enough.
How much do you get? Trousers and shirt, no flannel. I have not had a flannel since Strickland has been on the place.
Would you wear it if you had it? I always take bad if I go without.
Do you get plenty of employment? No.
Do you work every fine day? Yes, we work when it is fine.
You need not be idle unless you like? We only go out hunting on wet days.
Any fine day you get as much work as you like? Yes.
What kind of work are you generally at? We are always in the hop paddock.
When there is not work in the hop paddock, what do you do? Grubbing and clearing the road last winter
Do you do any work on the farm? I have not done any work on the farm for a good bit.
Have you been ill at all since Mr. Strickland has been here? Yes.
Did Mrs. Strickland ever visit you? No.
Did Mr. Strickland visit you then? No; he never came near.
Were you laid up? I was laid up for three months in my bed, and could not move. I sent to Captain Page to send me a coat, and that is the only time Mr. Strickland came to bring the coat.
Has you wife ever been ill? No; only a bit of a cold.
When she has got children, who looks after her? I have to get some of the women outside.
Does Mrs. Strickland ever attend at those times? She just comes in and goes out; she did not her. She has been in twice while my wife was ill.
Is there any other complaint you wish to make? Yes, Mr. Strickland summoned me once, I do not know when. It was for protecting one of my children He took me to Healesville and stated a lot of lies over there, and said that I came down and snatched one of the children out of the house. He summoned me and they fined me 1 pd He was flogging the children very severely, and I went to protect them. He did not summon me for two months after he flogged the children,
Were you at liberty to make that statement before the bench? I had no witness; we were all called up in a lump.
The bench had to decide upon the evidence; you were fined for rescuing the child - you took the child away? So Mr. Strickland said.
(1882 Report, pp-l4-15).
Note 54
In 1888, a man named John Briggs married Mary Flick in Echuca (Vic.) and lived at Deniliquin (NEW), a daughter Minnie was born on the 30 March 1893
(Records of Deniliquin Court).
It is not known if this is the same John Briggs, but it is interesting to note that on 19 Aug 1880, an aboriginal girl named May Flick was sent to Maloga (near Echuca) from Sanhurst, Vic. She was described by Matthews as being of Queensland aboriginal descent and in 1886, aged 14.
(John Briggs moved to Maloga from Coranderrk about 1884).
Note 55
Eliza Morgan, brother and two sisters came out from Dublin. Her father had been killed (in the 1798 uprising?) L.K. to B.M. Oct. 1973.
Note 56
George Rees was council clerk at Wynyard from 1924-1960. Died Aug. 1974 (see Obituary Examiner 14 Aug 1974). Ted Rees at Pirie Street, New Town has Gordon genealogy.
Note 57
A Daniel French ca. 1845, at Burgess, and an Oliver French ca. 1873 at Barrington are mentioned by Ramsay. Daniel took over the Frogmore estate after Thos. Johnson's death in 1867, and later it went to Geo. Atkinson. "The old Sherwood estate remained in the possession of the Johnson family until the end of 1890, when it was broken up and sold".
Note 58
The Morse family came out via the Commodore Perry in April 1855. A Charles Morse (wife, 5 children) and an Edwin Morse. John Campbell, Angus Campbell (wife and child), Adrian Elphinstone (wife and 4 children) were other passengers.
Note 59
"In 1870, Wm. Riley and his family were the only people in Tarleton". Mr. Riley had a coal mine and was shipping coal to Launceston. In 1875 the 34 ton vessel Dawn of Hope was built by James Dyson for Riley.
Note 60
Latrobe C of E. Records.
1 JUN 1910 Frank Marshall m. Myra Jane Gower
Railway Porter, Age 22. 16 yrs.
Myra's parents are: James Henry Gower and Esther Jane Gower nee Reid.
Witness: Sarah Ann Evans and Esther Gower (her mother).
There were Gowers (James and Caroline) living at George Town in the 1840s, possibly Myra is a descendant of theirs and may not be related to this family.
Note 61
A Bill Gower lived at Latrobe, his daughter "Diddy" lived with Mrs. Donovan, Twist Street. Not known if related to this family.
Note 62
William Andrews (Snr.) lost his first wife in 1893/4. His parents were John Andrews and Maria Corney of Hobart. William Andrews Jnr. worked in Yellow Cabs, Melbourne and was killed in 1944.
Note 63
An Andrew Anderson was a captain in the 1860s-1880s and served in the marine board until after 1900. He lost Holyman's ketch Pauline on the Horseshoe Reef 31 July 1889.
Anderson family owned a flour mill in Scotland. Mrs. Frimley at Wynyard knew this history (now d.). See Edna Anderson at Latrobe or Ulverstone or Donaldsons at Ulverstone.
Dalrymple F. diabetic at 68 years. Anderson family with diabetic history.
Note 64
Latrobe C of E Records.
Florence Gertrude born 1898 (daughter of Eva Charlotte Gower).
Married Herbert Joseph Brewer at Latrobe 22 May 1920.
Note 65
Mary Grey's father came out to lay out the railways -he was an engineer. L.J.
Note 66
Philip H.E. Johnson was murdered in 1946 on Herbert Downward's farm out from Mornington by a man (Mackenzie, who later went mad). First shot him, then used axe. For money he carried. (L.J. to B.M) ca. 1946.
Note 67
An account of Eliza Jane's funeral from her home at 90 Alexander Street, Latrobe states that she died in her 90th year, was Latrobe. Three grandsons: John Brown, Patrick and Barry Chisholm attended, with sons-in-law T. Delaney and T. Chisholm, nephews J. Hearps and Dudley Sims, (not a nephew., adopted by maiden aunt Maggie Brown). (Clipping kept by Mrs. Lucy Kinsella, undated). B,M.
Note 68
Cyril was the wild man of the family, never settled down after he came back from the war (W.W.I.). He vanished for years, visited about 1956 to visit us. His family live at Mathanga, on the Murray R. (J.H.).
Note 69
Monchie Denn was an Indian Hawker, a "real toff" and nice bloke. His brother stayed in Hobart, took name Hozanne - see Cyril Hozanne. Russel was in the naval reserve for years but could not get an overseas posting so took name of Hearps and joined the army - killed in action. J.H.
Note 70
Andrew Kinsella was Irish (Spanish-Irish, descendant of the Armada Irish wrecked there. The family name is preserved there; Lienster Kinsella was king of the eastern provinces. There are Kinsellas in Wexford - see also "Family Heraldry and Historical Ireland" Curtin et alia 1904). Andrew drowned on the south coast, working as a prospector. He was with two other men, landing supplies for a prospecting expedition. - B.M.
Andrew's parents lived at Port Cygnet. He was a prominent man in Zeehan. Mrs Kinsella remembers he kept the dispensary there. When she was ill, a nurse, sister to Eric Reece, member of parliament, claimed relationship to her. "He (Eric Reece) is a cousin of mine".
Note 71
George "Jup" Sellers won Latrobe Wheel Race in 1920s. Played football for Sth. Melbourne. Survived 1936 bushfires in Vic. Served W.W. II